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Fröhlich, D. E., Horvath, L., Brunner, P., & Swertz, C. (2019):
Zugang zu non-formalen Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten der digitalen Kompetenzen für Erwachsene in Österreich.
Medienimpulse, 57(4), 23.

Michlits, Daniel and Mahlberg, Bernhard and Haiss, Peter R. (2019):
Industry 4.0 – The Future of Austrian Jobs. or

Croner, Daniel and Koller, Wolfgang and Mahlberg, Bernhard (2018):
Economic drivers of greenhouse gas-emissions in small open economies: A hierarchical structural decomposition analysis.
MPRA Paper No. 85755,

Andreas Eder (2018):
Measuring and decomposing economies of diversification: An application to biogas-fuelled cogeneration plants in Austria,
International Journal of Production Economics 204, 421-432.

Andreas Eder, Bernhard Mahlberg (2018):
Size, Subsidies and Technical Efficiency in Renewable Energy Production: The Case of Austrian Biogas Plants,
The Energy Journal 39(1).

Luptácik, Mikuláš; Mahlberg, Bernhard (2018):
Revisiting the Efficiency-Equity Trade-off: A Muli-objective Linear Problem combined with an extended Leontief InputOutput – Model,
Department of Economic Policy Working Paper Series, No. 16, University ofEconomics in Bratislava, Department of Economic Policy, Bratislava.

H.W. Schneider, R. Haas, Ch. Helmenstein (2018):
Innovation und Evaluation: Die Programmevaluierung der Christian Doppler Labors und Josef Ressel Zentren,
ftval Journal for Research and Technology Policy Evaluation, Oct. 2018, 25 – 28,

Andreas Eder, Bernhard Mahlberg, Bernhard Stürmer (2017):
Measuring and explaining productivity growth of renewable energy producers: An empirical study of Austrian biogasplants,
MPRA Paper No. 79826,

Juan Aparicio, Magdalene Kapelko, Bernhard Mahlberg (2017):
Measuring input-specific productivity change based on the principle of least action.
Journal of Productivity Analysis 47, 17–31.

Luptáčik, M., Luptáčik, P. (2017):
Analysis and quantification of a new fiscally neutral European tax.
Empirica 44, 635–663.

Wolfgang Koller (2016):
Macro-economic impacts of biogas production in Austria, Biogas Journal English Issue November 2016, 26-26.

Mikulas Luptacik, Bernhard Mahlberg (2016):
Productivity change in a multisectoral economic system, Economic Systems Research 28(3), 344-361.

Peter Haiss, Hannes Juvan, Bernhard Mahlberg (2016):
The impact of financial crises on the finance–growth relationship: A European perspective,
Economic Notes: Review of Banking, Finance and Monetary Economics 45(3), 423-444.

H.W. Schneider (2015):
Die Industrie ist das Herzstück der Österreichischen Volkswirtschaft,
Wirtschaftspolitische Blätter 3/2015, 465-475,

Aparicio, J., B. Mahlberg, J. T. Pastor, and B.K. Sahoo (2014): 
Decomposing technical inefficiency using the principle of least action,
European Journal of Operational Research 239(3), 776–785,

Mahlberg, B. and M. Luptácik (2014):
Eco-Efficiency and Eco-Productivity change over time in a multisectoral economic system,
European Journal of Operational Research 234(3), 885–897;

Mahlberg, B., I. Freund, J. Crespo-Cuaresma, and A. Prskawetz (2013): 
The Age-Productivity Pattern: Do Location and Sector Affiliation Matter?,
The Journal of the Economics of Ageing 1-2, 72–82,

Mahlberg, B., I. Freund, J. Crespo-Cuaresma, and A. Prskawetz (2013):
Ageing, Productivity and Wage in Austria,
Labour Economics 22, 5–15;

Mahlberg, B., I. Freund, and A. Prskawetz (2013):
Ageing, productivity and wages in Austria: sector level evidence,
Empirica 40, 561-584,

H.W. Schneider, H.-P. Dimai, J. Mahlich, K. Redlich, U. Siebert, H. Viernstein (2012):
Direkte und indirekte Kosten von osteoporotisch bedingten Frakturen in Österreich,
Das Gesundheitswesen, Nr. 74, 1-9,

Mahlberg, B., M. Luptácik, and B. K. Sahoo (2011):
Examining the drivers of total factor productivity change with an illustrative example of 14 EU countries,
Ecological Economics 72, 60-69,

Sahoo, B. K., M. Luptácik, and B. Mahlberg (2011):
Alternative measures of environmental technology structure in DEA: An application,
European Journal of Operational Research 215(3), 750-762,

Mahlberg, B. and B. K. Sahoo (2011):
Radial and non-radial decompositions of Luenberger productivity indicator with an illustrative application,
International Journal of Production Economics 131(2), 721-726,

Freund, I., B. Mahlberg and A. Prskawetz (2011):
A Matched Employer-Employee Panel Data Set for Austria: 2002-2005,
ECON WPS 01/2011, Institute of Mathematical Methods in Economics, Vienna University of Technology,

Mahlberg, B. and T. Url (2010):
Single Market Effects on Productivity in the German Insurance Industry,
Journal of Banking and Finance 34(7), 1540-1548,!

Koller, W., R. Stehrer (2010): 
Trade integration, outsourcing and employment in Austria: a decomposition approach,
Economic Systems Research 22 (3), 237-261,

Mahlberg, B., I. Freund and A. Prskawetz (2009): 
Firm Productivity, Workforce Age, and Vocational Training in Austria,
in C. Ochsen and M. Kuhn (eds.), Labour Markets and Demographic Change, VS Verlag, pp. 57-84,

Luptácik, M., W. Koller, B. Mahlberg, and H.W. Schneider (2008):
Growth and Employment Potentials of Chosen Technology Fields,
Czech Economic Review 2(1), 41-75,

Fent, T., B. Mahlberg and A. Prskawetz (2008):
Demographic Change and Economic Growth,
in: F. Kohlbacher and C. Herstatt (eds.), The Silver Market Phenomenon: Business Opportunities in an Era of Demographic Change, 1st edition, Springer publisher, pp. 3-16

Prskawetz, A., B. Mahlberg, and V. Skirbekk (2008):
Alters- und Bildungsstruktur der Arbeitnehmer in österreichischen Unternehmen 2001 (Age and education structure of employees in Austrian enterprises), Statistische Nachrichten 2/2008

H.W. Schneider, Ph. Brunner (2008):
Die wirtschaftliche Bedeutung von Medizinprodukte-Unternehmen in Österreich,
Wirtschaftspolitische Blätter 4/2008, 839-850,

H.W. Schneider (2008):
Wie soll sich die steuerliche F&E-Förderung in Österreich weiterentwickeln?,
SWK – Steuer & Wirtschafts Kartei, Nr. 32/2008, 1275-1281,

Prskawetz, A., B. Mahlberg and V. Skirbekk (2007): 
Demographic Structure and Firm Productivity in Austria,
Wirtschaftspolitische Blätter 4/2007,

Mahlberg, B, A. Prskawetz, V. Skirbekk (2007):
Labour Productivity and workforce age in Austrian ICT Manufacturing and Service Sectors,
in: G.Sinigoj, G.Jones, K.Hirokawa, S.Linhart (eds.), The Impact of Ageing: A Common Challenge for Europe and Asia, LIT International publishing, pp. 217-234,

Prskawetz, A., B. Mahlberg and V. Skirbekk (2007):
Firm productivity, workforce age and educational structure in Austrian industries,
in: A. Mason and R. Clark (eds.), Population Aging, Intergenerational Transfers and the Macroeconomy, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 38-66,

H.W. Schneider (2007):
Über die Zukunft der Industrie Österreichs,
Conturen 02/2007, 52-63,

Mahlberg, B. (2006):
Firm productivity, workforce age and educational structure in Austrian mining and manufacturing in 2001,
in: Prskawetz, A. and Lindh, T. (eds.): The Impact of Ageing on Innovation and Productivity Growth in Europe, Research Report 28. Vienna Institute for Demography, Austrian Academy of Science, pp. 84-100.

Mahlberg, B. (2006):
Finanzlage österreichischer Versicherungsunternehmen in den Jahren 1944 bis 1955
(Financial situation of Austrian insurance companies 1944 to 1955)
in: D. Stiefel (ed.), Unusual Business. Der Wiederaufbau der österreichischen Versicherungswirtschaft 1945 und ihr Beitrag zum Entschädigungsfondsgesetz 2001, Verlag Böhlau, Wien, pp. 295-358,

H.W. Schneider (2006):
Leading Competence Units – Kristallisationspunkte in Österreichs Wirtschaft,
Wirtschaftspolitische Blätter 3/2006, 437-450,

Luptácik, M., W. Koller, B. Mahlberg and H. W. Schneider (2005): 
Growth and Employment Potentials of Chosen Technology Fields,
in: Austrian Federal Ministry of Economics and Labor (ed.): Deepening the Lisbon Agenda: Studies on Productivity, Services and Technologies, Vienna, pp. 109-152,

H.W. Schneider, M. Fichtinger (2005):
Mittelstand und Kapitalmarkt – Steuert einen IPO/PE-Lawine auf Österreichs Wirtschaft zu?,
Wirtschaftspolitische Blätter 2/2005, 306-315,

H.W. Schneider, W. Lueghammer (2005)
Strukturwandel und Österreichs Industrie,
Conturen 01/2005, 64-70,

H.W. Schneider, J. Schindler (2004):
Österreich – Ein IKT-Land?,
Wirtschaftspolitische Blätter 3/2004, 367-375

H.W. Schneider (2001):
Überlegungen zum Forschungsfreibetrag,
SWI – Steuer & Wirtschaft International, Nr. 5/2001, 213-216